"Bugger Off" Body Cream NUT FREE Sale

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"Bugger Off" Body Cream NUT FREE - 50ml tin


Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Alison Derrick
from one of our 'human guinea pigs' during the trials

Firstly, and most importantly for me, patch test. Applied a little to the back of each hand every couple of hours for a day. Is there anything in there that makes my skin itch? No itching experienced at all, we are good to go ahead and test - WooHoo! I didn't think there would be but I have learnt the hard way to always test.

First impressions of the product. Fabulous. Applies easily and doesn't leave the skin feeling greasy, oily or sticky. The smell is amazing, I do love the smell, wonderfully fresh and clean. Finally on first impressions, I really, really enjoy watching peoples faces when I tell them that the gorgeous perfume they have just complimented me on is actually insect repellent. Must remember to dab a little behind the ears and on the pulse points on the wrists as well as where the nasty little carnivorous insects attack.

Big Question, does it work? Quick answer, yes it does.
Applied to arms, legs, hairline and neck (I am the favourite dinner for those horrible insects) and went out. I tempted everything and went walking in all the places that I know the insects live. Down by the river, the marshy wetlands, through the woods by the stream.... Not one single bite.

Major test, dog training classes are 2 hours long and held in a field where there are midges and horseflies. Last time one of the horse flies bit me I ended up at the Doctors (and on antibiotics) and was asked if I was sure it was a horse fly and not a pterodactyl that had bitten me. This time I had applied the cream and they didn't come anywhere near me!!!!

Two Discoveries.
If you apply a thin smear of the cream along your cheekbones it stops insects from landing on your glasses.
Unlike some other insect repellents if you miss a bit it doesn't seem to reduce effectiveness. I have been bitten in the past on the small section of skin that I missed applying repellent to, not so far with your cream.

Yesterday I forgot to apply any cream and got bitten. I know you said that this is intended as a preventative rather than an after-bite treatment but as I had a bite I decided to see if it had any effect on bites. It helped reduce the itching and redness, it's not as good as treating bites as antihistamine or hydrocortisone cream but if you don't have either to hand it is certainly better than not applying anything at all.

Alison Derrick
enormous success!

Last night after dinner, we got to our room in our hotel and saw a mozzie.
The ceiling was far too high for us to swat the little critter, so, we used your marvelous Bugger Off cream and went to sleep with some trepidation. In the morning, neither of us had been bitten - even though we knew the little blighter was on the prowl & we are both mozzie-magnets - enormous success!

Alison Derrick
wonderful results with no bites

I’ve used it on all exposed skin while sitting out on Exmoor evenings and had wonderful results with no bites even while sitting next to my pond with all the biting possibilities that entails!!

I really love how it smells too

Alison Derrick
The cream worked really well

I went to Hungary where I always being eaten up by mosquitos but not this time. The cream worked really well. I had applied the cream every night in tiny dots on my wrists, in the middle of the arms where it bands, ankles, behind my knees , behind my ears and neck. The result is not one mosquito bite in two weeks what is a miracle for me as if there is one in a room with 100 people together I am the one who gets bitten 1000% :)))

Alison Derrick
I don't get bitten

I received it a couple of weeks ago. It's brilliant. It feels great, as do the wonderful hand creams. The scent is quite nice but best of all, it works. I wear it on exposed skin when I'm working in the garden. So dabbed onto my face, knees to ankles, arms and hands. I'm often out there in the early morning when it's damp from the dew. I used to get bitten on my derriere and ankles but since I've been wearing the cream, I don't get bitten
